Opening an AutoCAD 2013/LT 2013 format file. Substituting [simplex.shx] for [tsimpali.shx]. Resolve Xref "TTP-T4-SD-DG-001.17_11": C:\Users\Halil\Desktop\Trillant\16\TTP-T4-SD-DG-001.17_11.dwg "TTP-T4-SD-DG-001.17_11" loaded. Resolve Xref "T3-16 CEILING PLAN": C:\Users\Halil\Desktop\Trillant\16\T3-16 CEILING PLAN.dwg "T3-16 CEILING PLAN" loaded. Resolve Xref "T3_16th_20220312": C:\Users\Halil\Desktop\Trillant\16\T3_16th_20220312.dwg "T3_16th_20220312" loaded. Regenerating model. AutoCAD menu utilities loaded. :: ChangeBlockBasePoint.lsp | Version 1.5 | © Lee Mac 2022 :: :: Available Commands: :: "CBP" - Retain Insertion Point Position :: "CBPR" - Retain Block Reference Position Wild-card characters: Character Definition # (pound) Matches any single numeric digit @ (at) Matches any single alphabetic character . (period) Matches any single nonalphanumeric character * (asterisk) Matches any character sequence, including an empty one, and it can be used anywhere in the search pattern: at the beginning, middle, or end ? (question mark) Matches any single character ~ (tilde) If it is the first character in the pattern, it matches anything except the pattern [...] Matches any one of the characters enclosed [~...] Matches any single character not enclosed - (hyphen) Used inside brackets to specify a range for a single character , (comma) Separates two patterns ` (reverse quote) Escapes special characters (reads next character literally ) © ²°°°[TES],[TY],[TA],[TB],[TAY],[TEXTSEC],[TEKLE],[TEXT2DOSYA][HARFCEV][TYD] dê®¥å © Derya KILIÇ "cRop.fas" Loaded... Created by: M.Sahin Guvercin --> '' Çizim yardımları yüklendi ! :: NumInc.lsp | Version 3.4 | © Lee Mac 2022 :: :: Type "NumInc" to Invoke :: --> '' Çizim yardımları yüklendi ! Seçilen bölgedeki blokları sayar ve tablo olarak listeler [BLKSAY] Hazırlayan, VOLKAN KOÇ*Cancel* Command: Autodesk DWG. This file is a TrustedDWG last saved by an Autodesk application or Autodesk licensed application. Command: Command: Command: Specify opposite corner or [Fence/WPolygon/CPolygon]: